Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Albania- Finally!

Our first foray into  Albania- we have dinner on the Albanian side of Lake Ohrid. Katerina, Milan and Vesna

Albanian language is an Indo-European language but it is not related to any other language. We do not understand the menus. We do not undestand the prices. Luckily, our Albanian colleagues order for us. We have the special lake Ohrid trout prepared several different ways. 

Following the conference we hire a taxi to drive us to Korce- the most beautiful city in Albania and known as the "Paris of Albania." Our driver drops us off - we have an hour before we meet our friend. We wonder- where is the Eiffel Tower- where are the baguettes and berets? Does anyone parlez francais, s'il vous plait?

S'il vour plait- ou est le Louvre? They do not know.

Enver Hoxa's famous bunkers- they dot the roadside- everyone has one. You can hunker down inside with your rifle to shoot any invaders- Yugoslavians? Americans? Russians? Now they collect trash and crumble away.

Lake Ohrid- the Albanian side

Exploring the bunkers


A mosque in the process of being restored in Korce.

We wonder if we took a wrong turn and have ended up in Marseilles?

The market place in Korce- old part of town

Is this Paris? The flea market?

Beth photographs us, despite that we have no berets

Jesse, Ashley and Beth. We are the morning entertainment for the locals. They have been led to believe there will be a souffle for lunch

Inside the shopping mall

Albanians enjoying being photographed by us. They are very enthusiastic about the US ever since we bombed the Serbs and Woodrow Wilson allowed Albanian to remain independent

We photograph the name of our street in hopes our taxi will find us again

We are found by our friend- a prominent Albanian lawyer. He tells us he wondered why we were wandering around the old, unrestored part of town. He said he was surprised when a random Albanian person on Beth' cellphone who we begged to call him and say where we were, told him where we were. We wondered too. Now we are on our way truly to the "Paris of Albania."

Le chat

Disclaimer- Pictures are not displayed in any order

Bunkers at sunset

Bunkers make handy trash receptacles

Albanian fields

On the way to Korce

Forest bunker

Albanian sheep heading to their bunkers

Our delicious meal in the beautiful part of Korce ordered by our friend. Albanian food turned out to be excellent!

The local Rakia made from special,, local fruit. You need to begin and end your meal with Rakia!


Our friend with the Rakia bottle. The people are the table behind him were smoking inside.

Shephard's clothing worn to protect from the elements

A better part of town

Me in front of the courthouse in Korce- ready to litigate!

Finally- "Paris"

It turned out to be quite a pretty place

The Champs Elysee- Albanian -style

Yes- we are in Korce!

A tiny Albanian resident

The outdoor bazaar

For work? For leisure?

I consort with the locals

Looking out over Korce and the countryside

We get up close and personal with the bunkers. Can we bring this back on the airplane? Bubble wrap it?

Rakia! Under the Hoxa regime, his family lost their house, business and property. 

After dinner Rakia- with cloves, spices and honey!

Dessert- shredded baklava, ice cream, whipped cream

A votre sante

Jordan- who arranged our first foray into Albania

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