Monday, April 7, 2014

Almost to Albania

On the way to Lake Ohrid- bordering Albania and Greece in southwestern tip of Macedonia

The town of Ohrid- famous for its pearls and trout (endangered so maybe only eaten by the Albanians across the border).

View from conference center on the lake where the Balkan Network kickoff will be next month

Beth at work planning the conference down to every last detail! I am of little help- mainly I run around photographing the lake and sampling the homemade cookie selection to be served during coffee breaks. Each conference room has large windows and balconies to go out and see the lake. I told the hotel manager that in the US the hotel conference rooms are interior rooms never with any windows- a window/balcony would be considered a dangerous distraction to the participants. The manager opined that this seemed inhuman. Yes, welcome to my world!

Lake Ohrid restaurant- potential site for conference dinner. Hopefully there will be karaoke with simultaneous translation into all five conference  languages. 

Where we stayed - right in the old city, over a bar- a teeny bit noisy at night but nice spot for coffee in the morning. No elevators!

Cafe below our room. Beth with Emmy- our events planner.

Could this be Italy???

Lake Ohrid- one of the oldest lakes in Europe is a UNESCO world heritage spot. The lake is clear down to the stones on the bottom

We are able to order coffee or tea or even water, solely in Macedonian! I can even specify a large or small one!!! Progress is being made.

Orthodox church in Ohrid. Ohrid is know for having had/having 365 churches. At Easter hordes of Bulgarians show up to worship. Lots of Dutch people vacation here.

The church cats - swapping hot dish recipes- (they are happy to let you go inside and they do not charge admission fees).  It is April and the trees are blooming!!

The Ohrid fortress- well, the upper gate- too high up for me to reach it

The ancient amphitheater

One of the older Orthodox churches. Inside are frescoes from the Old testament and Jesus willingly climbing a ladder to the cross while the soldiers play cards- one of the few scenes showing he willingly and affirmatively embraces crucifixion. The tour guide was very ecumenical. She told me that Macedonia loves the Jewish people- well, all 100 that are left and are not listed as one of the religions in the country. Hmmmmmmm. 

Typical Lake Ohrid denizen. If they see you, they will make you have coffee with them. They are on the lookout for you.

From the icon gallery- Mary being presented in the temple. My guide said that Mary was from a very wealthy family and when she became pregnant faced stoning... but if you are carrying the child of God.. ..well, it is a better outcome. hmmmmmmmm

Don't use that tone of voice with me, young man.

Slaying those pesky demons

Lake Ohrid's clear water

Recreation of prehistoric village built out over the lake

Our boat in which it was us plus history teachers from all over Europe- Education Without Borders. Western Europe teachers meet with those from Eastern Europe to help them teach in a more interactive and less "socialist/communist" framework. There were several representatives from the Anne Frank house. They talk about how to teach controversial subjects. Like genocide- Bosnian/Albanians/Jews etc. etc. 

Straw over logs for seating

Peacocks guarding the Monastery of St. Naum at Lake Ohrid. Warning signs caution they may harm you and your children. The peacocks have taken up posts surrounding the area- they give warning calls to each other when approached like when you enter the Bronx to buy drugs and it might be suspected you are a cop. I don't think, however, they have cell phones- not yet, at least.

Monastery of St. Naum

Are you looking at me!

The peacock on the roof

We have fiddlers, they have peacocks. 
All day long, I'd... well, these guys already don't do anything all day long

Give it a rest, peacocks. Some of the teachers spent a lot of time feeding the peacocks- haven't you learned from history!!??? Does this explain problems in our educational system!! 

Lots of limestone in the area

One of the St. Naum priests

Beth- somewhere in Macedonia

Entering town of Vevchani known for its springs-

Hanging out on a Saturday in Vevchani

We like to make people take lots of photographs of us. We are very good-looking.

Vevchani springs- salmon and river otter

The Nun's monastery- intimate and lovely inside- every inch of wall covered by frescoes. 

Bigorski Monastery in nature reserve area

mosque across the way from the Monastery

Beth being saucy and defeating the purpose of the skirts you have to put on in order to enter either the Nun's monastery or this one, even if you are covered by pants. Mine was prettier- I had a flower pattern.

The priest, if he finds you, invites you to have coffee. Luckily there was a group of Japanese tourists here with us. They are more clueless than me and do not even understand St. George has slain their dragon and they are defeated pagans!! They are not even of the Judeo-Christian tradition!!!
I simply followed behind them as a more acceptable alternative person NOT of the faith. In the nun's monastery, the nun explained that the dragon was evil. St. George had already died when he slayed the dragon- good show!! That monastery had a piece of the bone of St. George. It is encased in a box in a large replica silver hand.  Bigorski monastery had some splinters from the cross and some bones of some saints/angels?? Archangels are higher up than regular angels. Every Orthodox church has a similar schemata of pictures in a particular order. Jesus is always on the ceiling in the center. The second level or so from the ceiling is all the Hebrew prophets who foretold the coming of the Messiah- apparently, there has subsequently been some kind of misunderstanding around this whole thing. If they bothered to ask me, I would try to explain. No one has asked.

Even I am uplifted by the ambiance

Beth enjoying herself much too much

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