Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Walked into a church on a cloudy day

More Skopje 2014 monuments- to attract tourists? to assert national pride? To show up the Greeks? to just piss everyone off?

Fishing in the Vardar??!!

Going across the Stone Bridge

Controversial work in progress- boat restaurant that cannot sail anywhere and will have very, very expensive AC system. Who will eat there and why??

Macedonia National Theater-Vienna eat your heart out


Mount Vodno in background with large cross on top that, of course, lights up at night. Warrior on the horse below the Republic of Macedonia flag. Yes, we are a country!

Crossing stone bridge into Old City

Sephardic Jews- pic from Holocaust museum, Skopje

I always act like I have a broken leg if asked to run chores

Sephardic Jewish merchant

Germany gave Macedonia to Bulgaria during WWII. Bulgarian cattle car to take Jews to  Treblinka where all were murdered

Skopje Holocaust Museum- since almost entire Jewish community of Macedonia was murdered, and so no one to whom to return the stolen money and property- the compensation was awarded to build the museum

Mostly, the Macedonian Jews came to escape the persecution in  Spain and Portugal

Inside Holocaust Museum

Inside of Orthodox church in Old City

Kale Fortress- Skopje Jewish community was in the vicinity of fortress

Another view of Holocaust museum

outside of Orthodox Church where pp come to light prayer candles

Kale Fortress

Don't stand near the clock tower when bell is rung

Outside of Orthodox Church

Cobblestone Streets of Old City

Old City

Old City

Old Turkish Hammam- now an art museum which I am determined to discover when it might be open and how to find the entrance

Old City  market- this is the brassiere section

Old City

Old City

Green market in Old City- very large!

Shoppers in aisle 3

Skopje fashions

Macedonia  Square- now offering carriage rides!-again, eat your heart out Vienna

Sts. Cyril and Metodius- crossing stone bridge away from Old City

Holocaust Museum

Orthodox Church across the street from my apt.

Shopska- the national salad of Macedonia

Macedonia Square

Faux Greek temple - (take that Athens!) with Soviet-style architecture above

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